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This table outlines all the projects and initiatives members of the Niagara Climate Change Action Network have completed, or are currently working on, to address climate change and the focus areas of biodiversity, a pathway to net-zero, and climate resilient infrastructure. Click the “Title” name to read more about each project.
Title | Summary | Focus Area(s) | Organization | Link |
Brock University Seed Library | The Brock University Seed Library offers free seeds to staff, students, and community members to “borrow” and plant in their home gardens. The cycle functions like a library where participants can borrow and return seeds free of cost. The goal of this Seed Library is to protect genetic diversity in … | Biodiversity | Brock University | |
Carbon Sequestration of Natural Areas in NPCA watershed Jurisdiction & Natural Assets Analysis | Project is to develop an integrated carbon budget model that will be applied to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s (NPCA) jurisdiction using the best available data and approaches for the landcover types present within the watershed. Using the integrated model, net carbon storage and sequestration will be estimated over a … | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Climate Action Plan | In 2020, three students in the Environmental Management and Assessment program completed a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for Niagara College as part of an Internship with the Office of Sustainability. The CAP identifies mitigation and adaptation and strategies to reduce the short and long-term risk of climate-related impacts. | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara College | Learn more |
Climate Change Adaptation Plan | The City of Niagara Falls is taking a proactive approach to reducing the impacts of a changing climate and extreme weather on the community’s built, social, natural, and economic systems by guiding the development of a Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The adaptation planning process is supported by ICLEI Canada and … | Climate resilient infrastructure | City of Niagara Falls | |
Community Energy Plan (CEP) | A Community Energy Plan (CEP) is a strategic and comprehensive approach developed by a community to address its energy needs, reduce energy consumption, and promote the use of renewable and sustainable energy sources. It involves assessing the community’s current energy profile, identifying opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, and implementing measures … | Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Region | |
Corporate Climate Adaptation Plan | The City of St. Catharines’ Climate Adaptation Plan outlines a variety of climate action goals to address the local impacts of climate change on municipal operations and services. Moving towards a climate resilient future requires attainable action and monitoring progress. Review the six climate action goals outlined in the Climate Adaptation Plan: | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure | City of St. Catharines | |
Corporate Climate Change Action Plan | The Plan/Strategy will determine how to meet the established corporate targets of Net-Zero emissions by 2050 from 2018 levels (in principle). The Plan/Strategy will also identify priority areas, propose recommended actions, and secure funding. | Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Region | |
Corporate Climate Change Action Plan & Program | The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s (NPCA) Corporate Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) is currently under development with a framework established and staff engagements nearly complete. The action plan has three objectives to guide the NPCA in addressing the local impacts due to climate change: build climate change resilience within the … | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Corporate Feasibility Study (FCM-GMF) | A sequence of GHG reduction measures that allow local recreational and cultural facilities to achieve 50% GHG reductions within 10 years and 80% GHG reductions within the next 20 years. Niagara Region is seeking a grant through FCM’s GMF fund which enables the identification of measures to be addressed in … | Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Region | |
District Energy System Electrification Project | The District Energy System (DES) electrification project will significantly reduce Brock’s carbon emissions by diversifying campus heat sources and reducing the use of natural gas in the DES. Scheduled to be completed by March 2025, the project will include the installation of an electric boiler, refurbishing several existing electric boilers. … | Pathway to net-zero | Brock University | |
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan | The City of St. Catharines’ Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan details our progress toward meeting our designated energy conservation goals and our plans to reduce energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across corporate operations, including: The plan guides our efforts in conducting business more sustainably, with energy conservation, energy efficiency and … | Pathway to net-zero | City of St. Catharines | Learn more |
Energy Conservation Programs and Low Carbon Options | Enbridge Gas has programs to help residents conserve energy and reduce GHG emissions. They also have programs for commercial, new construction, affordable housing, and low carbon options. | Pathway to net-zero | Enbridge Gas | |
Enhanced Restoration and Stewardship Program | This program builds and expands upon the past and current work of Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s (NPCA) restoration and stewardship programs and initiatives, formalizes programming for emerging partnerships and opportunities, and meets the internal needs of integrating knowledge and building organizational capacity. The program identifies six program and service areas … | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Floodplain Mapping Program | Ongoing initiative as part of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s (NPCA) core mandate. Floodplain mapping is underway for Coyle Creek (Pelham), Draper’s Creek (Pelham/Welland), and Oswego Creek (Lincoln). Beaver Creek and Big Forks Creek were completed in 2023. The floodplain mapping process includes a 200-year storm scenario to test impacts … | Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Fort Erie Break Wall Restoration Project | Over the past 7 years, a quarter of the 2-km break wall along the Niagara River in Fort Erie has been severely damaged through storm events. To increase the resiliency of this shoreline, through this pilot project, Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) will be working with a coastal engineer to design … | Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Parks Commission | |
Fort Erie Natural Asset Management Project | Partnership with the Town of Fort Erie to inventory, assess, and valuate their green infrastructure (i.e., natural areas, urban street trees, trails) for future asset management planning. | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Gonder’s Flats Wetland Restoration | Wetland restoration project (1.5 ha) in collaboration with Niagara Parks with funding from Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), Land Care Niagara, Ontario Land Trust Alliance, Niagara Community Foundation, and Ducks Unlimited Canada. Support from Town of Fort Erie, Birds Canada, and local nature clubs. | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Gonder’s Flats Wetland Restoration Project | In collaboration with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), Gonder’s Flats in Fort Erie is being restored back into a functional wetland ecosystem. Highly manipulated over the past several decades, the Gonder’s Flats property has been further decimated by Emerald Ash Borer. As a result, the dead ash trees have … | Biodiversity | Niagara Parks Commission | |
Grand Old Oak Park Rejuvenation Project and Environmental Education | Working with the Grimsby Environmental Network and the Town of Grimsby to remove invasive species (done now with monitoring in effect), the planting of native plant gardens, and replanting native trees and shrubs. The first park project was the creation of the Val Fleming Butterfly Garden at the Roatary Park … | Biodiversity | Biodiversity and Climate Action Niagara | |
Greening Greenhouses | Working with greenhouse growers to understand energy consumption, operational flow, and cost factors. The intent is to prioritize emissions reduction actions that can be implemented with a high adoption potential. | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Sustainability Leadership | |
High-Impact Retrofit and Recommissioning | Moving past the ‘low-hanging-fruits’ approach to energy retrofits, these projects are packaged to produce the highest-value for the lowest-cost investment. They include full-facility LED lighting and low-voltage controls retrofits, building BAS and controls system recommissioning, and plumbing isolation and monitoring improvements. | Pathway to net-zero | District School Board of Niagara | |
Investment in Niagara Region’s EV Sector | A $300,000-investment will be delivered by the Niagara Region to accelerate the growth of the Electric Vehicle (EV) sector in the Niagara region. With this investment, Niagara Region will develop an EV strategy with support from an EV battery specialist. This new strategy will focus on building partnerships, developing the infrastructure … | Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Region | Learn more |
Land Securement Program | Greenspace is a critical component of climate adaptation and mitigation. A land securement strategy was developed and approved by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) Board of Directors in 2022. The strategy guides the securement of lands within the Niagara Peninsula watershed over the next decade for environmental, natural hazard … | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Living in Niagara quality of Life report and Niagara Knowledge Exchange | Niagara Connects is built by and for the Niagara-wide community to share and exchange reliable evidence that informs action planning for a stronger future. The Living in Niagara (LIN) Sectors align with the Social Determinants of Health, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The Environment Sector of the LIN-2023 … | Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Connects | |
Niagara Economic Development | Niagara Economic Development’s mandate is to promote Niagara on a global scale and to work in partnership with the region’s 12 municipalities to provide effective, innovative services that encourage investment in and travel to the region, along with business support services to attract, maintain and increase jobs in Niagara. | Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Region | Learn more |
Niagara Hydrogen Centre | Atura Power selected the Niagara Region as their first Ontario site for commercial-scale hydrogen production. The Niagara Hydrogen Centre will also be Ontario’s largest green hydrogen production facility, with a hydrogen production capacity of 20 MW, utilizing proton exchange membrane electrolysis technology to split water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules … | Pathway to net-zero | Atura Power | |
Niagara Parks Invasive Species Management Program | In collaboration with Brock University, Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) recently developed an Invasive Species Management Program to protect and support native species and sensitive habitats. This program includes the early detection, inventorying and prioritization of invasive species as well as the use of best management practices to manage these species. … | Biodiversity | Niagara Parks Commission | |
Niagara Parks Urban Forestry Management Strategy | To increase the resiliency of the forest canopy to current and future threats, Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) has and continues to implement its Urban Forestry Management Strategy. The goals of this strategy are to increase forest canopy to 35%, mitigate threats, and increase biodiversity using the 5-10-20 rule for plant … | Biodiversity | Niagara Parks Commission | |
Reforesting in Walker’s Creek | The Friends of Walker’s Creek have partnered with the City of St. Catharines and have received funding from the Niagara Community Foundation to reforest an area in CherieRoad Park along Walker’s Creek that had previously been used as a refuse site by area residents. Invasives have been removed. Trees, shrubs, … | Biodiversity | Friends of Walker’s Creek | |
Shoreline Management Plans | Update to the Lake Ontario and Lake Erie shoreline management plans with a focus on climate resiliency. Future project within 1-3 years. | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Sustainable Technologies and Green Infrastructure Program | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA), in partnership with municipalities, will be looking to develop and lead the implementation of a sustainable technologies and green infrastructure program to protect water resources and reduce our carbon footprint in the Niagara Peninsula watershed. | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Teaching Healing Garden | Indigenous Teaching Healing Garden. | Biodiversity | Niagara Chapter-Native Women Inc. | |
Trees for All Program | This program is in development to plant 1 million trees across the watershed. The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) has partnered with municipalities, community groups, government organizations, and environmental organizations to form the Tree Planting Partnership. The program will support Canada’s goal of planting 2 billion trees and help capture/store … | Biodiversity, Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority | |
Urban Forestry Management Plan | The Urban Forestry Management Plan (UFMP) will proactively guide the preservation, management, and enhancement of the City of Port Colborne’s trees and forests on public-owned lands in the urban area for a 20-year period. as well as a focused 5-year operational plan. It is intended that the recommendations over time … | Biodiversity | City of Port Colborne | |
Workforce Support Project | Increasing capacity of the skilled trades and construction industry by attracting and training talent, and creating greater exposure to building and energy efficiencies to support net-zero retrofits and new construction. | Climate resilient infrastructure, Pathway to net-zero | Sustainability Leadership |